Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Pune Serial Blast

       Yesterday night 4 serial blast happened on very crowdy J.M. Raod and Deccan in Pune.  Next blast was refused by our police force. fortunately there were no one dead in that blast but one person is seriously injured who was taking treatment in Sasson Hospital. This is proof that Pune is became a Global city now.

     Who will the origin of this serial Blast? Police commssioner told 3 possible sources of this blasts.

1. Indian Muzahiddin to take revenge of Abu Jindal custody.
2. Any pyscho person who want to take attention by doing this or
3. Any Local Terriorist people.

     Our police force currently finding out what are the equipments used for this blats. ATS aqud is reached in pune from Delhi. Hope they would find the people behind this as soon as possible.

      But in reality, Congerss is happy for this bomb blast since media have concentrated on this blast and ignore Anna Hazare & Team for some time. I thik this could be a congerss step to revert attention of all people and media.........What do u think......

Person Injured in blast

Police Finding out the source

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